Crime & Courts Zimbabwe

Kasukuwere jailed for assaulting wife

BINDURA,- Self-styled prophet Gibon Kasukuwere, based in Bindura, was convicted yesterday for severely attacking his wife during a dispute over a cellphone.

The 42-year-old was sentenced to one year in jail by magistrate Tatenda Masaraunga, with three months of the sentence suspended on condition of good behavior.

Prosecutor Carson Kundiona informed the court that on May 24, Kasukuwere returned from his church shrine around 6:00 PM. His wife asked for their son’s phone number, leading to a heated argument. During the altercation, Kasukuwere went into the kitchen, returned with a knife and a hammer, and proceeded to strike his wife multiple times on the head with the hammer.

A police report was filed, resulting in Kasukuwere’s arrest and subsequent conviction.

Source: Byo24News

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